Desired Want

But not feel happy and sad at the same time. You have money or not have it, but not can have and not having money at the same time. You have a mansion or not have it. Clarify, of course, is that this peculiarity happens, in This plane of existence, in this wonderful material universe in which we live, but not in all. This particularity of this material universe, the mind, enables us to get rid of what they do not want easy, fast and only with benefits for us. People have everything they have in their lives because they believe it in your mind, in your imagination.

All these creations are held in this universe thanks to the attention that people devote them. This attention that people devote to what they don’t want, is what makes that exists. If attention turns to something else, that something will grow up to materializaras and those which withdraws the attention dies, disappears. Everything you no longer you attention dies, becomes dust. This can be seen with houses and buildings. Two houses built in the same date does not remain the same time, one that is inhabited and therefore receive care will be maintained for much longer. Those that are abandoned instead begin to deteriorate quickly.

If the House that away from the view of persons then it becomes dust faster. Attention holds the world. Everything at what remove the attention dies. To get rid of what you don’t want to, obtain what you want and that is opposed not desired. I.e. not junk automatically disappears when you get the desired opposite. If you get what you want, then the junk will disappear without efforts. The only thing you should do to get rid of what you don’t want, is to identify, accurately, that you don’t want. After identifying that you don’t want, with all its details and specifics, you should set a goal to obtain the opposite to that you do not want.