Revolution Speeches

When analyzing the decade of Thirty we notice the existence of the speech of being able that it defines the beginning of the revolution of thirty and its efetivao, the exercise of such speech becomes possible the efetivao of the power politician beyond periodizar history, defining the place where it must be chore. A past memorized for the domain of the oligarchies and the gift with a revolution without stated period to finish. We notice that the revolution is presented as unitria and monolithic and here it is the logic of the domination exercise. This idea becomes capable the constitution of the subject nation, legitimizing at the same time to the power politician. However such idea was far from reaching the historical memory of the revolution, therefore the proper exercise of being able occulted the historical dimension of the conflict of classrooms. The historical memory of the winner of the fight politics did not have capacity to reach its legitimation in ample the social set.

The speeches nailed in this period accumulated of stocks a parcel of society; a process seen of the high one. We can notice a contradiction, therefore in the decade of thirty an oppression occurs on the society that is lead by a parcel of individuals that possua the effective control on the individuals. Appearing in turn the ideological speech of self-destruction provoked for the contradictions inside of the historical process. Inside of the process the cancellation of definitive agents will occur, but it emphasizes the place of history for all the social agents. In this direction a sensible one in the speech will appear double that makes possible an ample quarrel and inquiry of the objective, a dimension of confrontation between real representation and the adequacy of this reality that opposes the structural bases of the process that points the differences and conflicts. A speech fits then that if it intends to criticize the fantasmagrica dimension of the social relation.