Brazil Colony

Foreseen this exchange, for the treated one to Ayacucho of 1867. The parliamentary opposition in Brazil to any territorial cession in the Acre was suspicious Rui Barbosa, preferring to offer to greater pecuniary compensation. This solution, however, attemped for Rio Branco, was not accepted for the Bolivians; Rui was said farewell then to the commission. With respect to the performance of Rio Branco in the question of the Acre, it is important to designate that it starts effectively from the moment that it is known that the woollen government Peace was organizing a military expedition to reduce the natives of Acre, for this time, already had fond of Germany the Baron of the Rio Branco to occupy the Itamarati. In a three note of February, of 1902, it informed, who did not desire that Brazil breached its relations with Bolivia, but that ' ' he made to advance forces for sul' ' , to police until the River Iaco the contested territory, being removed of Acre Port bolivian customs. But the origin of the disputes for the territory of the Acre, can be found in the Treated one to Madrid of 1750, and it will not appear of a discontinuity of the Brazilian ownership; but yes, of an error of interpretation given to the Treated one to 1867 (Ayacucho) and some errors of landmark.

It will also appear, of the attritions the one that such errors had given cause, and that they will be corrected in 1903. (CASSIANO RICARDO – the Treated one to Petrpolis, I, p.62). According to Cassiano Ricardo, the proper Spanish signatory of the Treated one to Madrid, D. Joseph de Carvajal y Lancaster it had declared that the objective of the treated related one was to recognize the Portuguese Crown ' ' vertientes wools that to drain en el wool river Amazonas' '. However I begin, it basic established for Alexander de Gusmo, negotiator of the Treated one to Madrid on the part of Brazil Colony, was of the Uti Possidets (utility of the ownership), that it more started to be the norm observed by our diplomacy emtodos our treated ones to limits.


‘ ‘ The liquid radiation is the addition of the direct solar radiation or diffuse incident on the surface of the Terra’ ‘ (AYOADE, 1986, P. 36), therefore, the liquid radiation is the energy effective that arrives the surface, that is, is disrespected the attenuation suffered in the atmosphere as the selective absorption of atmospheric composites, as well as, the absorption for clouds and the ascending diffusion, that is the scattering of the solar ray for diffusion in direction to the space. In the generality the terrestrial surface possesss a positive rocking of radiation, while the atmosphere possesss negative balance, during the day the radiation rocking is positive in the Land and the night he is negative. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Joseph Stiglitz on most websites. Above of 40 of latitude, the radioactive deficit of the atmosphere it exceeds the excess of the way surface, that global the radioactive rocking in these areas is negative, being that from 40 until the Equator global the radioactive rocking is positive.

In these aspects the atmosphere uniformly is presented as radioactive depression while the terrestrial surface consists as a heat source, excluding the polar regions. However, the Land is a system with complex functions that are developed according to Drew (1998), in the intersection of three main subsystems: the atmospheric one, the litosfrico and the hidrosfrico, being that in intercalating of these it has to the existence of the biosfera, environment where the connection of the factors and the elements of the terrestrial subsystems if ‘ joins pra to form the environment; ‘ ideal’ ‘ for the existence of the life. Thus, the Land if keeps in constant balance, so that the functions of the biosfera remain steady, therefore, exactly that uniformly the atmosphere either a radioactive depression and the terrestrial surface a heat source, both searchs the balance through exchanges of vertical and horizontal energy.