
Difficult subject but I believe (after very relutar) that truths exist that nothing add and that they would not have to be shared In contrast, they provoke pains and ressentimentos that do not provide no evolution for nobody, therefore are served more as stuffed said an overwhelming and intermittent torture that a facilitador in verborragias of ' ' sincerocdio' '. The subject is controversial if we will be to think restrictively and I am not here raising flag some, much less greeting the lie convenient I raise here (and I have policed to take care of to this my will) concerning the silence that respects the other the omission that prevents the tears and the constaint or unreliability We have that to fight for the right not to hear what it does not need to be heard! To the times we know that we will not have more personal or professional contact with the other, and seems that in rule the human being instigates, wants to know what it will not need more I perceive that it has much useless information going up to around the world and I also am part of this dissemination! He is immature to speak impulsively and to say subjects that do not have importance and they do not change feelings nor facts only provoke pinpricks that can shake the autoconfiana of who hear. Others including Eliot Horowitz, offer their opinions as well. I adore the words and I believe the essencialidade of many of them, since that to locate itself If not, they are really unnecessary and disharmonous. To invest in valid and constructive intentions valley the penalty! When I feel impetus to go off words as if were shots of 12, breathe deep and callus almost biting me language because I believe that to save the other (exactly when I believe that I have reason), I seem me a love act that I need to exercise the silence that accepted the merit as the thing most natural of the world constitutes most thundering aplauso*. about that I have thought on the true essential language for the soul Ana Luiza ' ' Silence is one of the arguments most difficult of if rebater.' ' (Josh Billings) *Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Society

If they were not the difficulties, our society never would have evolved, mainly scientifically, and we would remain static with passing of the centuries. It is the difficulty that makes in them to grow, and our positivismo ahead of everything speeds up excessively our evolution. We must always be thankful. The simple fact to be reading this text already are gratefulness reason, therefore if we did not have eyes, nor this we could make. We have as much to be thankful. Unhappyly only we remember a thing we lose when it.

We complain of the lack of a member when we do not have it, we complain of the lack of the water when we do not have it, the lack of air we are thankful when we have everything this? It is important always to have the conscience of that already we earn of the Creator and to fight to brighten up the suffering of that they possess little that we. Our proper life already is a miracle, a basic Divine manifestation. It is enough to look at for the side and we will always see somebody in worse situation that ours. Then let us raise the hands for the sky and let us thank the God, therefore the life is beautiful, and truily to enxergar this, it is enough to change a little our way to look at the world. It is enough putting in them in the place of the other In this way we will only be being right with our Father, who in exchange for our life, only demanded that we helped in them and we treated in them as brothers, living in joined and positive way. Facing the problems, mainly those that we ourselves we create. Let us leave of side our craze always to complain, and let us fight to help. It did not obtain the car that wanted? It did not obtain the house that it desired? It is not in the adjusted job more to its capacities? Its head is less capable of what you? He is thankful what they have, before complaining what they do not have.

How To Achieve Any Goal

All people, regardless of age, gender and social status, they want something from life. Someone wants respect, someone a lot of money, and someone liking favorite person with whom one could feel safe and comfortable. A most likely you want to get it all. Of course, in reality, the objectives of each person is much more. Every day, we set ourselves a hundred goals and achieve them.

Or do not achieve J Example: cook meals, go to work, read a few pages of interesting books, chat with friends. Visit Hummer Winblad Venture for more clarity on the issue. And here are simple, everyday goals are not cause us any problems and doubts, we just think about what we want and do it. But let's think together, why there is uncertainty and hesitation, when we set ourselves a more difficult target. For example: buy a flat, to create their own business and become successful, happy, to establish family relationships. What do you think the differences between the goal of desire, for example, make a sandwich and eat it too? A difference between these objectives because they are more complex and cumbersome. And they require much more effort, energy input and detail. Let us for ease of explanation agreement defines the complexity of achieving its monetary equivalent. Do you mind? Then, if the sandwich you want to spend $ 1 of energy, already at the apartment you want is not less than $ 30000 (depending on locality). Feel the difference? That is, if its about a sandwich you thought 1 time and got it, then you need to think about the apartment at least 30,000 times.

The Worker

Training and development This field has tried a strong growth due to the growth of the demand of continued education and for the conscience of that the knowledge and the permanent update are primordial factor which had the organizacional competitiveness. In such a way, if it has searched to train the worker to be an active agent of the processes of development of its professional and personal abilities. Evaluation of performance the transformations in the system of management of people has the led one to assume a role each more central time in this system, incorporating evaluations of diverse actors (not only of the supervisor or the head), if tying more narrowly with analyzes of performance of the proper teams and groups, thus incorporating a dimension that also considers the potential of each worker and not only its real performance. AS MOVEMENT as the movement are characterized for being a widening of the possibilities of insertion of the psychologist in the organizations, starting to assume activities until then played by other professionals. Being that the courses of mestrado specialization or in administration had been one of main the responsible ones for such changes, therefore it widened the abilities of these professionals considerably. These new activities are: administration of staff, qualification, conditions of work and hygiene, organizacionais relations of work and changes. Administration of staff This field is about the planning of positions, movement of staff, remuneration and benefits and, even though, global planning of necessities of human resources. Qualification appears the activities of development of careers, managemental development and development of teams Here that expand the concept of classic training. Conditions of work and hygiene This is a new field of work that if has consolidated in such a way that it has busy a significant parcel of the organizacionais psychologists and the work. Between the activities it is the analysis of the work conditions and its impacts in the health of the worker.