The Regional Director of Education of Loreto, their Head of Legal Consultation, the Director of the DGP, committed Crime, to Clausurar of illegal way an educative program deprived, because who I sign the Resolution of Closing was not the vulgar specialist Martha Romani Sanchez, but the first educative authority of Loreto. They were the Directors of the DGP, Internal audit, Legal Consultation, the signers that made the closing effective, therefore are those that completed the Crime of Abuse of office. Other than did the same was NAVARRESE BETSI VASQUEZ, Director of the Direction of Pedagogical Management of the DREL, in 1996, that sent intimidatory offices to promoters of deprived educative centers, so that they offer extreme forts to him of money to continue working his schools. Foot gifts like: home electrical devices, money, and recibia in its own office. These intimidatory documents were sent every year on the eve of Christmas, so that the bribery fell right in that date in its hands.
Finally as much abuse of office caused that it finishes denounced in Lima and was forced to resign of the DREL, not to be sent to the Judicial power. The Regional Director of Education was Car it to me Beams Rivers, that were dismissed and changed by the new director, surprise. The Penal Code indicates: Art. 376. – The government official who, abusing his attributions, commits or orders, to the detriment of somebody, an arbitrary act anyone, will be repressed with privative pain of nongreater freedom of two years. Art.
377. – The government official who, illegally, omits, refuses or slows down some act of his position, will be repressed with privative pain of nongreater freedom of two years and with thirty to sixty days he fines. Art. 410. – The authority that, knowingly, is led processes in proceeding before the jurisdictional organ, will be repressed with privative pain of nongreater freedom of two years and incapacitation according to Art. 36, interjections 1, 2 and 4. Art. 418. – The Judge or the Public prosecutor who, knowingly, dictates opposite resolution or issues ruling to the express and clear text of the law or mentions nonexistent tests or false facts, or supports in supposed laws or countermanded, she will be repressed with privative pain of nonsmaller of nor greater three freedom of five years. But nothing of this is fulfilled, the education civil servants, do what it gives the desire them with administered and the State, does not sanction them. It confirms rather them and it follows the corruption. This is the reality in Peru. The Officials Government are in its majority corrupt, coimeros, abusive and they live on the administered ones. It smiles and he is happy. Original author and source of the article.