Want Relation

What happens through our head when we continued maintaining a relation in spite of knowing for sure that they do not want to us? Autoengaar or to hope to us to that it happens she is one of the experiences more ” humillantes” for a person, since it stops being one same one to become which the other wishes. In fact, which is in game is your person and your dignity. It wakes up! It does not deserve to you. If the power of the relation falls to the other, is when you must think that something does not go well. The power means nondependency, and to cause that the other depends on you. If your pair can do without you, much more easy than your you can do it, is necessary to balance the question. A relation heals is made up of a balance in the power of the same on the part of the members of the pair. In certain aspects, each member can have that power, since this more enabled for it, but never is going to be ” rey” of the relation completely.

If we analyzed well, an honest person never would be with somebody to that she does not love to take advantage certain benefits, llmese comfort, money, company etc. If in a relation there is no love on the part of some member, can be negotiated some agreement? The answer is negative, the hope can be a bad advisor. This clearly, that if a person doubts the love on the other, really does not have that feeling. If you follow in the hope of a loving resurrection, arranged to respond to any situation, tenlo clearly, you have gone too far yourself. And if in this way, you feel dissatisfaction in your relation, have your solution there, some of the members must go away. The true happiness this in balancing, can be hard the beginning of a new life, but it is not necessary to forget, that the love is not it everything, are scopes in the life that are worth the trouble much more, like the family, bases fundamental of our emotional life. You do not doubt it! It looks for your own happiness.