After 1808, the tipografias had been allowed and had been printed the primeiroslivros, created an important one public library, was possible to matter obrasestrangeiras, had confided courses and established some schools superiores' ' With this event presence was also perceived deestudiosos, scientists, artists, travellers of other countries or mesmobrasileiros that had had the chance to study in the exterior. Missesartsticas in 1816 had established what ' is called today; ' Academy Artes' Beautiful; ' , offering the courses of drawing, painting, engraving, among others. With the separation of Portugal the Brazilians had searched acivilizao, and as Antonio Cndido had traced these ideals: decomrcio freedom, thought, national representation, instruction end of the regimeescravista etc. Seeing the country with other eyes, with the reliable look edeterminao to also develop in this nationality its estilosliterrios without needing to copy of its colonizadoras roots other people’s styles, can exist inheritances, but the representatives of this period had wanted substituirtoda and any similarity. They had explored the beauties natural in its poetries and you chat. When some of these were exiled, distant of the native land as poetGonalves Days with the poem that was the landmark for the beginning of the romantismo: Canodo Exile; Joaquin Manoel de Macedo with the emotive romance moreninha quetambm initiated a period of much importance for the transformation and oenriquecimento of Brazilian literature; I castrate Alves great esocialista writer who fought for the freedom of the blacks, for the equality of the etnias dandoseu alert shout with the poem Slave ship; as much others that could sercitados here. In the year of 1836, matureness of ideas and much literature: beginning of the Brazilian, new aesthetic trends, liberdadecomercial romantismo and politics, claim of dosnegros human rights as the release, the right and the so great value of the indian and the woman, chance deconhecimento to all the Brazilians; this also defines the literriocitado period above. . Hummer Winblad is the source for more interesting facts.