The chronological time as we establish for the use in our day the day we are not considered by the nature. It has what we call? natural time? that it is well different of that we consider in our day the day. We adopt the century, the year, the month, the hour, etc., to mark our commitments, thing that the nature disdains. It uses a stage (period) of time to mark the duration of each one of the infinite events that it commands, but, without no rigorismo for its largeness, even so many times presents it perfectly synchronous with our time, as it is the case of the duraes of the periods (in the stages) of many and radioactive isotope declines other atoms. Why the nature proceeds in such a way? It considers the time with complete freedom; that is, it knows that the duration for the occurrence of a phenomenon can vary of a place for the other and of the ambient circumstances. This means that it does not fix a time for each one of the phenomena that it commands.
It, the nature, establishes a time medium (that we insolently measure) so that one definitive thing happens, but it is absolutely liberal not to demand an accurate duration for it, assuming that its? commanded? they will make the possible one for cumpriz it, but without the requirement of its chronology. We consider as wise and the holy ghost such procedure and such concept is in the mouth of the people when it says that? the haste is enemy of the perfection but, we will correct the said one, saying: When occurs something unexpected in programming of the occurrence of a phenomenon, it corrects the relative 0 variable or parameters so that unexpected does not come back to happen. Such procedure makes with that the transformations always walk for the target of the perfection, of where can take off a series enormous of conclusions: ) the nature is perfeccionista making with that the errors of now are not happened again in the future. b) Daqui we take off that our interventions in the nature lack of well-taken care of greaters, if does not stop? to tumultuate its laws, for less not to delay its development. c) The nature waits that the ideal conditions if carry through so that it makes the evolution of a system. This we see we happen frequently in many natural phenomena; the production of clorofila of a plant is overcome as example that waits for the ideal conditions that are in function of the humidity degree, of the carbon oxide text, of the temperature of the environment and other indices for the development of the phenomenon. We will be able to deduce soon what the humanity is making to speed up the degradation of our environment stops more early taking in them for the end of ours in the Land.